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Original source: Filella, M., May, P.M., 2019. The aqueous chemistry of tellurium: critically-selected equilibrium constants for the low-molecular-weight inorganic species. Environmental Chemistry 16, 289–295.

Best stability constant values for tellurium species, 25 °C and I 0 mol L-1:

Reaction log K
Te2– + H+ = HTe 11.81
HTe + H+ = H2Te 2.476
TeO32– + H+ = HTeO3 9.928
HTeO3 + H+ = H2TeO3 6.445
H2TeO3 + H+ = Te(OH)3+ 2.415
TeO2(s) + H2O = H2TeO3 –4.709
TeO2(OH)42– + H+ = TeO(OH)5 10.83
TeO(OH)5 + H+ = Te(OH)6 7.696
2 Te(OH)6 = Te2O(OH)11 + H+ –6.929
Te(0) + 2 e = Te2– –38.43
H2TeO3 + 4 H+ + 4 e– = Te(0) + 3 H2O 41.09
Te(OH)6 + 2 H+ + 2 e = TeO2(s) + 4 H2O 34.52


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